Dry Eye Symtoms

Forty percent of Americans suffer from occasional dry eye – a common condition in which the tear ducts make insufficient tears for lubricating and nourishing the eye. Normally, the eye constantly bathes itself in tears. It may not sound logical that dry eye would cause excess tearing, but think of it as the eye’s response to discomfort. If the tears responsible for maintaining lubrication do not keep the eye wet enough, the eye becomes irritated. In addition to providing lubrication for the eye, tears reduce the risk of eye infection, wash away foreign matter in the eye, and keep the surface of the eyes smooth and clear.

Dry eye symptoms include:
  • Irritated, gritty, scratchy, or burning eyes
  • The feeling of a foreign particle in the eye
  • Excess watering
  • Blurred vision
  • Redness in the eye

Macular Health


What is MPOD?
Macular pigment is comprised of Zeaxanthin and Lutein, which are found in the center of the macula (fovea) at a natural 2:1 ratio.

MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density) is important for three specific reasons: 1. Low macular pigment is a key risk factor for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of significant vision loss over age 55 2. Macular pigment absorbs harmful blue light, protecting the photoreceptors from damage 3.

Macular pigment improves visual performance, including:
  • Visual acuity
  • Contrast sensitivity
  • Light sensitivity
  • Glare recovery

Eye Health

How big is the problem?
Eye injuries account for 8% of workplace injuries and around 50,000 incidents each year. More than half of all the eye injuries suffered in Australia are workplace-related.

Not surprisingly, the majority occur in industries such as construction, mining, agriculture, forestry, and fishing. It's a big issue that costs Australian businesses around $60 million a year, not to mention the pain and distress to the sufferers themselves.

What about general eye strain?
Computer Vision Syndrome is now a big problem. Regular PC use can lead to repetitive strain issues for the eyes just as much as typing can affect the wrists and arms. The symptoms include tiredness, headaches, and dry or gritty eye sensations, all of which can be distracting, disrupt work, and lead to reduced performance.

It's estimated that taking eye tests and adopting appropriate vision correction can reduce errors and increase productivity by up to 25% for workers employed in moderate levels of visual processing.
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Glossary of All Eye & Vision Conditions

To learn more about Eye & Vision Conditions, click here.

Children's Eye Care

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Children with uncorrected vision conditions or eye health problems face many barriers in life ... academically ... socially ... and athletically. High-quality eye care can break down these barriers and help enable your children to reach their highest potential.

Vision doesn't just happen. A child's brain learns how to use eyes to see, just like it learns how to use legs to walk or a mouth to form words. The longer a vision problem goes undiagnosed and untreated, the more a child's brain learns to accommodate the vision problem.

That's why a comprehensive eye examination is so important for children. Early detection and treatment provide the very best opportunity to correct vision problems, so your child can learn to see clearly.  Make sure your child has the best possible tools to learn successfully.
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Protecting Your Eyes from Solar Radiation

The sun supports all life on our planet, but its life-giving rays also pose dangers.
The sun’s primary danger is in the form of Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation is a component of solar radiation, but it can also be given off by artificial sources like welding machines, tanning beds, and lasers.

Most are aware of the harm UV radiation can do to the skin, but many may not realize that exposure to UV radiation can harm the eyes or that other components of solar radiation can also affect vision.
There are three types of UV radiation: UV-C is absorbed by the ozone layer and does not present any threat; UV-A and UV-B radiation can have adverse long- and short-term effects on the eyes and vision.

If your eyes are exposed to excessive amounts of UV radiation over a short period of time, you are likely to experience an effect called photokeratitis. Read more.
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Contact Lens Safety

Contact lenses are among the safest forms of vision correction when following your doctor's advice. However, when not used as directed, there can be serious consequences. Read more.